What is Hashing Ads?
What is Hashing Ads?
Hashing Ads was born out of the need to encompass in a single space the absolute control of the ecosystem of cryptomonedas.
That is to say, to unite in an only pla orm the possibility of genera ng passive income by means of the visualiza on of publicity and also by means of investment, Also the pla orm will work with its own TOKEN called BNEX that is born united to a token ERC20 with diverse outstanding characteris cs, as the possibility of making the par al payment for the use of the pla orm and to receive passive income, turning it this way into a u lity token.
We are sure that the crypto currency is the future will make and will be the world economy, Hashing Ads was developed under the vision of covering all areas of adver sing and investment through our BNEX absolute adver token. sing and system.
Characteris cs
Characteris cs
BNEX is a type of tokenERC-20 that implements all the standard func ons of the exchange that can be shared with ERC-20. The standard complies with the rules that apply to all ERC-20 tokens in the Ethereum block chain. In short, it gives a defini on of the common rules that apply to all Ethereum-based tokens, giving anyone who wants to release a token in Ethereum the ability to predict how a new token will work or behave. Other tokens are part of the Ethereum network. In addi on, the basic func ons of the ERC-20 token feature result in total token search, token transfer and balance queries for pall specific addresses.
How it Works
How it Works
Hashing Ads is a pla orm designed on Blockchain network, ensuring users BNEX coins by surfing adver sements online. The user can always mint free BNEX coins daily by logging in to his pla orm account. Anyone can stake BNEX coin using Hashing Ads pla orm. The interface is so easy to use that even a newbie with zero experience can figure it out. Designed under the ether network, Hashing Ads user needs an Erc-20 wallet to hold his earnings. BNEX, the pla orm's token is a stable coin.
With just a few clicks, the subscriber's order is ready. Once a purchase is made of a Staking Plan, one can start min ng BNEX coins automa cally with profit, depending on the plan purchased. A user-friendly design and easy to operate for both professionals and new users. Moreover, users can always mint free BNEX coins daily by logging in or u lising our traffic ads system.
Hashing Ads has in place the best rewarding affliate program which is so amazing, paying 2 Levels deep. With that, a user can build a long-term stable and passive income. All the user needs to do is register, complete Know Your Customer ( KYC) process and invite friends with his referral link.
The commission. highest referral highest referral Hashing user is rewarded monthly with 20% worth of BNEX Ads coin as the total earning of his referral
The added advantage is that the user can easily purchase traffic plans with his earned coins and build his network.
Traffic Purchase, Plan Staking and Membership Upgrade
Traffic Purchase, Plan Staking and Membership Upgrade
The rich Hashing Ads pla orm traffic purchase , staking plan and membership upgrade are nicely tailored towards different classes of users in order to give every category the opportunity to earn on Hashing Ads pla orm. One dis nguishing fact is that bigger package has bigger traffic hit system and premium support.
Varie es of Packages
Varie es of Packages
Small: This package is for website adver sements only with a total hit of 5000 , viewable for just 5 seconds.
Medium: The package enhances website adverts view only with a total hit of 10,000 , viewable for 10 seconds only.
Professional: It is for website adverts only with a total hit of 50,000 of 20 seconds dura on.
Enterprise: The biggest deal in that it targets 500,000 audience for 30 seconds.
A guarantee of higher staking plan, higher min ng rate at no risk are unequalled on Hashing Ads pla orm. Free membership daily earnings is up to $0.01 , while Gold upgrade is up to $1.01 , and Diamond upgrade is up to $2.01 and VIP earning up to $5.51.
BNEX Stability Edge
BNEX Stability Edge
Hashing Ads Pla orm na ve coin is tailored towards giving user the confidence and peace of mind in rewards stable value against the general vola lity common with many cryptocurrencies, such as the Bitcoin , and others crea ng a sense of anxiety and a dicey price value , which fluctuates almost always to the detriment of theassets holder. However, using Hashing Ads Pla orm is a great solu on to the issue because the pla orm uses BNEX as a stable coin meaning that all deposits and withdrawals are credited and paid with the current market price while the transac on is being carried out. This is a great plus given the fact that no investor wants to see his assets fall sharply o en. The stability of BNEX is also to enable traders enjoy the pla orm while trading the token on an exchange.
Earnings Withdrawal
Earnings Withdrawal
To withdraw earnings on Hashing Ads is as easy as possible. Every withdrawal will be processed within 6-72 hours depending on amount of pending requests at the me of request. A minimum of $2 BNEX coins earned is withdrawable.
Total Token Supply: 17,000,000,000 BNEX
Token Price: 1 = $0.0095
So cap: $50,000
Hardcap: $15,000,000
Any unsold tokens will be used on the pla orm
Alloca on of Funds
Alloca on of Funds
Important point: Reasons why we chose a fixed supply of 17,000,000,000 of our tokens. Price increase based on the actual use of the supply and demand method that creates price stability rather than hype and causes an increase based on specula on.
Advertising hashing scheme
Q1 2019 - platform development
Q2 2019- Private Sales
Q3 2019 - launch of the platform (alpha / test version)
Q4 2019 Beta Launch
Q4 2019 - Mulltiple Marketing & Airdrops
Q4 2019 / Q1 2020 - Listing on the exchanges
Q2 2020 - release of applications for iOS and Android
Q3 2020 - Release of the Premium Version
Q4 - 2020 Development and More Partnerships
Q1 - 2021 credit card integration
Q2 - 2021 Instant Exchange Integration (BNEX / BTC)
Bitcointalk Username: Lampu merah
Bitcointalk Profile Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1875990
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