
Showing posts from April, 2020


Cowrium Die Cowrium-Plattform Cowrium ist ein Blockchain-Projekt, das entwickelt wurde, um kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen dabei zu helfen, auf einfache Weise umfassende Blockchain-Lösungen einzuführen, um Tausende von Kunden besser zu erreichen, die Geschäfte über die KMU-Branche abwickeln. Die Cowrie-Münze, die offizielle Kryptowährung der Cowrium-Plattform, stellt eine digitale Währung dar, die das physische Geld effektiv ersetzt.  Ziel ist es, die Akzeptanz der Blockchain-Technologie durch eine benutzerfreundliche Plattform zu erhöhen. Cowrium verwendet ein 2-Hop-Netzwerk.  Im ersten Sprung identifizieren Bergleute Blöcke und zeichnen Transaktionen in der Blockchain auf.  Der Bergmann wird natürlich mit der neuen Münze belohnt, die im Gegenzug abgebaut wird.  Der andere Hop besteht aus Masterknoten, die auf virtuellen privaten Servern (VPS) gehostet werden.  Hierbei handelt es sich um spezielle Server, die sofortige und private Transaktionen...


eBLX About  eBLX Bullion exchange that provides instant order placement and execution, free order cancellation, and real-time order book updates. BullionExchange (eBLX) provides a effective real-time, good supportive, responsive cryptocurrency exchange, Bullion exchange enables users to trade continuously without waiting for transactions to mine, fill multiple orders at once, and cancel orders anytime without any charge. Direct-To-Consumer Decentralize Platform Bullion exchange is created to solve many investors and cryptocurrency traders problems in cryptocurrency trading, there are many problems associated with many of these exchanges, problems like blocking users account, slow or no response from supprt, too much mainteanace of the exchange and affects many traders, so this project is made to create great trading experience for traders, the problems and the solutions has been highlighted below. The Problem & Solution Some other bitcoin exchanges has some ...


Goldario Our Vision We envision to revolutionize the entire eco-style of the jewelry industry by utilizing emerging technologies namely blockchain, cryptography, smart contracts, AI and Fintech. We aim to create an ecosystem where we make it easy for individuals - whether ordinary consumers or institutional investors - to invest in businesses that are supported by a complete ecosystem of precious metals, stone and jewelry factories & retail businesses, while also maintaining security, audit capabilities and liquidity . Our mission Goldario aims to be the world's leading choice platform for consumers and businesses engaged in the jewelry industry. It seeks to enable users to acquire and own physical mining rights, jewelry manufacturing plants and jewelry retail businesses from around the world, and by doing so, create assets that underlie potential support for Goldario (GLD) Tokens. Liquidity and Accessibility By exchanging trusted digital assets, Goldario giv...