Stable Coin Built On The Most Private Digital Currency Monero Crypcore Is A Stable, Private, Fast And Secure Digital Asset Built For The Modern Digital World. DYNAMIC STABLE COIN The Price Of Crypcore Is Maintained On The Crypcore Exchange Crypcore is a dynamic stable coin, the price of crypcore will change from time to time based on market conditions, unlike traditional stable coins crypcore will not be pegged. The crypcore ecosystem is organized in a way that prevents wild swings in the price of Crypcore. Stable Price Crypcore leverages the Crypcore exchange to maintain a stable price, this price will change occasionally based on a transparent price determining mechanism as found in the Crypcore whitepaper and the section below. Anonymous Crypcore is forked from Monero which is regarded as the best asset in the crypto currency market when it comes to privacy, Crypcore utilizes ring signatures, confidential transactions and stealth addres...